Zombie with doll

near the end, when Barbara is making her escape, she comes across an old woman zombie holding a plastic doll. She reacts to this by crying.

Is this supposed to be her mother? (they were going to see her at the beginning of the movie).


I've always thought so. Her reaction was more than just shooting a random zombie to me.



I was able to contact Patrica Tallman on her facebook fan page and she said it was just a random woman.




I always thought that the zombie woman as actually carrying a dead baby and thats why she broke down

obviously is a doll though as i thought someone would never let them borrow their baby to carry around the way she did


It's definitely not her mother. I think she was just reacting to the realization that the zombies, who she'd thought of as only deadly threats, were also once human, and that the impersonal horror was also a personal tragedy.

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