One Of My

fav scenes, not least because 'Danny Boy' (the song my mum named me after) was playing in the background:

Leo is presented as this older boss figure, and doesn't seem particularly menacing. It could almost cross your mind to ask how he ever got to that position.

Then those goons try and take him when he's in bed. The way he coolly - and violently - deals with all of them sends a shiver up my spine lol. He barely seems to gave a raised pulse.

THEN, you see why Leo is the boss.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


Also, you gotta love that he just blasts away for ages with the Tommy gun without ever reloading. It's a little, funny nuance that hearkens to the gangster pictures Miller's Crossing is taking from. It's humorous, yet it never compromises the tension or action in that scene. Brilliant work. One of many reasons why Miller's Crossing is one of my favourite Coen pictures.
