John Turturro...

Should have won an Oscar for this film. All of his scenes are great, but the one at Miller's Crossing.. fantastic.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


I couldn't disagree more. I didn't like his performance at all.


Thank YOU!
i've never found his , "look in your heart" pleading believable at all. this dryeyed pleading n never rang true, especially with his rferereference later to "squirting a few". if he had actually cried real tears, he would probably have won an Oscar.
the late frank Patterson's Danny Boy is wonderful. hs glorious voice graces John Huston'sTHE DEAD, as well.


It was his NORMAL performance. Not better and not worse than usual.

I own you.


I thought he was great. Did you catch the trace of a Yiddish accent he had? He was a cheap con artist not an accomplished one.


I totally agree. Don't know what the others here are talking about.

Turturro totally kicked ass in this. The scene at Miller's Crossing when Tom's supposed to be shooting him is one of the best scenes, not only in this movie, but ever, in existence.
