MovieChat Forums > Miller's Crossing (1990) Discussion > Man.. Tom sure does take a lot of beatin...

Man.. Tom sure does take a lot of beatings

And doesn't seem to get any bruises or black-eyes.. hmm. Otherwise, great movie!! :)



Yep. And if the song Danny Boy was longer he'd shot more bullets.


Some not-so-very-subtle humor right there. A recurring thing, for sure.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


I think they're mostly body blows so we can't see the bruises.

While I was watching I kept wondering if him or Brendan Frye took more beatings over the course of their movie.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."


When Leo punches him about four times flush in the face and knocks him down the stairs twice he doesn't have a mark on him the next day.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Tom can take a beating that's for sure. He even asks for extra punishment more than once and gets it.


I saw it as part of the film noir atmosphere of the film. The neverending magazine on the Tommy gun is another element of those movies already mentioned. In noir, and the pulp books they're based on, heroes take a lot of licks.


And he doesn't throw any punches himself, unless you count the chair he swings at Frankie the thug (a really poorly blocked shot, considering the general perfection of the camerawork). He keeps asking for a beating, keeps turning the other cheek, as if he's insisting on paying up immediately for his own misdeeds. Any real person would be in the hospital with brain damage and internal bleeding.

Another bit of Coen Bros. humor, perhaps: the substitution of Mink's body for Bernie's. John Turturro looks to be at least a foot taller than Steve Buscemi, and if Dane and Mink were boyfriends, wouldn't Dane notice the discrepancy? Or maybe the smell just put everyone off too much . . .


Another bit of Coen Bros. humor, perhaps: the substitution of Mink's body for Bernie's. John Turturro looks to be at least a foot taller than Steve Buscemi, and if Dane and Mink were boyfriends, wouldn't Dane notice the discrepancy?

Yes. He certainly should have, being intimately acquainted with Mink and all. Mink's hair is completely different. Bernie's pants would have been several inches too long, and so forth. Finally, the Dane being convinced as he was that Tom was no killer, wouldn't he have inspected the corpse a little more closely? He was itching for a reason to knock off Tom.

But, it served the plot device and in my opinion should not diminish the brilliance of the movie.

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken
