Kate Beckinsale

A lot of people comment on how the actors in this left the profession. Consider Kate Beckinsale's career. She had far more recognition than any of them, and for the last decade or so her roles have . . . well, they've paid the bills. But the actress who nailed Lady Susan hadn't many chances to show those chops playing vampires or Adam Sandler's wife.
Being able to play a witty, intelligent character is no road to riches in America.


Kate Beckinsale wasn't in this movie.


Kate Beckinsale wasn't in this movie.

I know. But she was in two of Stillman's five films, is an excellent actress, had a good start for her career and happens to be quite beautiful. But the business wastes her in unfunny comedies and dull horror movies. What chance for a career did the people in Metropolitan have? What chance did Stillman have? 25 years with five movies to show for it.
