Cthulhu Mansion

I would have to say is the worst of all lovecraft movies that are made. Just basically taken one element basically the name and make a crap movie. If you want a decent lovecraft movie, check out Dagon, one that comes close to a lovecraft story, its a mix of Dagon and The Shadow Over Innsmouth


I agree about "Dagon". I rented "Dagon" and watched it several times during that week. I found the commentary (DVD) more than just interesting; I probably listened to it two or three times. And once I learned that tidbit about the language I had to watch with sub-titles (or captioning, don't remember which) just to see for myself how different it was. Cool, very cool.


posted in the year 2004


That's weird; I watched Dagon around the time you (Spoken) posted but have bad memories of it because I was bored and lonely that night and so I raided the drinks cabinet (not mine I'm sure you understand) and found a full (and full-size) bottle of Southern Comfort which I polished off in about 20 minutes forgetting I was on anti-biotics at the time, blacking out about 10 minutes later and finding out the next day that my parents had been awoken by a violent, crazed, obscenity-screaming caveman semi-destroying his room, and then puke his entire innards out over a periond of about 30-40 minutes only to pass out soon after. Thankfully to remember none of it.

Kids eh? I'm sure as hell not having any.



@KillMe, lol, yeah, Comfort was my first omigawd whaddidido? experience. Dagon is good. I really like the B&W/Silent movie from '05, Call of Cthulhu, and has to be one of the truest creations of an actual Lovecraft piece. From Beyond is REALLY good. The Re-Animator movies. From Behind the Wall of Sleep.

