I whant to see it!

I whant to see this movie! Where can i get it?


I understand your frustration. In fact, I hunted down a good quality VHS copy in its original packaging and created a VHS-to-DVD transfer myself incorporating the VHS packaging onto a DVD case, keeping the movie in its entirety, and creating a basic DVD audio menu using the theme song. Audio-video sync is perfect and the quality is an exact replica of the VHS.

I created this for myself so I do not have ANY rights for re-sale. If you are interested in the possibility of acquiring the film FOR FREE(that way, I should be able to prevent jail-time) please contact me at [email protected].

I am just a big fan of the movie, and definitely understand the hassle of not being able to find it anywhere. If I can help to keep the film alive at NO PROFIT until the film is finally released on DVD (if we are that fortunate), I can't see why anyone would have a problem with it....

By the way, "[email protected]" is used primarly as my "junk mail" address, so please mention "A Man Called Rainbo" in the subject line. And just in case I accidentally purge my email without seeing your message, don't be afraid to email me again and again if you don't get a reply from me. Sooner or later I should notice your message. Hope I can help -

P.S. you can read my review of the film in the IMDB comments section: http://imdb.com/title/tt0100101/usercomments

