I don't get it.

I've now seen two of Alan Rudolph's films and they're both pretty bad.
Choose Me was particularly terrible, Love At Large not quite so bad but they both have really bad acting and are very amateurish.
I'm a big fan of many types of films from the 30's to the present but if all his films are like these two then he has to be the one of the worst directors of major films.


Well I love this movie and "Choose Me". If u didn't like it though that's cool. Rudolph's films are an acquired taste. Most people complain that the plots go nowhere and the dialogue leaves them puzzled. In this one there are multiple plots and the off-kilter dialogue always kept me interested. Also I love the beautiful cinematography and the songs playing throughout the movie. This movie has a laid-back, romantic feel that I like...but it's not for everybody.


He's not the best director out there, but no, thankfully most of his movies are not all like this. Give him another chance with something like Endangered Species (1982) or The Moderns (1988).


This movie was boring crap.


The Moderns is pretty good.
