Skinny question

At the beginning of the movie we're shown the 2 guys (I can't remember their characters' names) waking up, reading the paper, making breakfast, getting ready for work, etc. Anyway, they're both walking around / sitting in their underwear. Both are obviously pretty skinny. My question is ... they were both probably skinny like that their entire lives, right? I mean, somebody couldn't be 300 pounds and lose weight and look how they did, right?

I'm sorry if this sounds like a completely stupid question.

" ... after only reading 3 of your posts, I can tell you're a dumbass ... "


Yes they were probably in good physical shape growing up and stayed lean and thin.

If some weighed 300 lbs. and then lost a massive amount of weight in a very short period of time then they will probably have excess skin that needs to be surgically removed. If that skin were removed then they might look like they have always been that way.


I'm not getting this question. Of course someone can be fat growing up and skinny as an adult. Singer George Michael was huge growing up yet by he was one half of Wham he was a hunk. When he went solo he looked even better. Not everyone has that flabby skin. That woman Susan Powter or Prowter also was huge and the kind of exercises you do especially when you're building muscle can give a different result. George & Susan both ended up with Hard bodies.

Just for the record, I'm not a Dude, I'm a Dudette!


Um, they are not even close to skinny. They are normal body types. Not ripped but not all flabby and slightly toned. The way men used to be before the whole ripped body craze went nuts which in many ways was a response to AIDS itself. Skinny is when someone has little to no body fat and no muscle tone. Think Iggy Pop.


Where does "300 lbs" come from?

At any rate, guys - FAT GAY guys - can lose TONS of weight and look HOT if they hit the gym.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


the two guys waking up together, eating breakfast and reading the paper in their underwear aren't skinny. They work out, they have muscle tone and they eat healthy. If you want an example of skinny, look at Kate Moss in the beginning of her career. Meth addicts are also usually very skinny.
