A must see for all

This movie should be wached by all. This may be a work of fiction but this was the hardships that many people had to go thru and was one of the darkest days in American history.

Sex is not the answer

Sex is the question

Yes is the answer.


I agree

D'you think i could be a bird in another life?Notebook


I agree. We watched it in middle school when I was younger and I loved the movie, and now I own the DVD.


I'm watching this now for the first time on BET. If I had been alive at that time, I think I would have been in a lot of trouble. I would have sided with the Blacks and would likely be lynched as a... well, I think you can guess. A very hard movie to watch, and it makes me ashamed to be white.


I was in college at the time, and participated in Civil Rights marches. I remember Martin Luther King vividly, he came to speak at my college the year before his assassination. I'm not ashamed to be white, there are racists and fools in every race, and people are often taught by their culture to act in certain ways. But people can change, and many have once wrongdoing is brought to their attention.


i think whats scary about this is in that time how it was normal to be racist,you was brought up to think that blacks where inferior,and i think a lot of people where guilty of ignorance as much as racism.
I often think this is the main gift mlk,rosa and co gave to the world,to help change that kind of thinking.
god bless em all.


I think what's scaring me now is that many people today don't understand that, so in turn it's creating a new form of ignorance. They don't get the long lasting effects of this type of thinking. Or even the basics of what people went through. They don't understand the level of brutality and how deep this thinking ran. And as the focus has shifted on SOLS and testing, they're teaching even less and less in schools about slavery, Jim Crow and the civil rights era so the struggle gets downplayed as a result. Now all people really know is that once upon a time blacks worked for no pay and after they were freed (let's not even bring up that no one mentions that they weren't really free, they never learn where the slaves went or what they did) years later they didn't have equal rights. Not having equality or equal rights is such a vague statement and sounds harmless in comparison to what what was going on. They get such a sanitized view of what happened.

Rest in peace Sherman Hemsley. You will be missed.
