Over Exposure?

Was it just my edition of the DVD or was this movie nearly unbearable to watch because of the it was over exposed?



All copies are like that, see what it was , was the lighting and use of video instead of film.


It really was intolerable, but I had to watch it to add another notch under my belt. ;) No repeat viewings happening for me anytime soon.



"No repeat viewings happening for me anytime soon."

Am I the only one that liked this movie? Granted it's not as good as his other 3 main films but I liked it. The only thing I don't like is the video transfer.


All copies are like that, see what it was , was the lighting and use of video instead of film.

Um, are you saying this movie was shot on video rather than film? It's a few years since I last saw it, but I'm 99.9% sure it was shot on film. I have an early 90's VHS copy and the quality of it is much like any other VHS copy of a movie of this age. I have read from various sources that the US budget DVD release is an obvious VHS transfer, but I'm pretty sure the original movie was shot on film.


I just watched the movie. In the end credits it says: "Laser Mission was filmed on AGFA Gevaert XT125 & XT 320"


My copy isn't overexposed and it definitely isn't shot on video.
