MovieChat Forums > Kindergarten Cop (1990) Discussion > The old kindergarten teacher

The old kindergarten teacher

If Kimble went back to the school to teach kindergarten, did she just lose her job? Or end up stuck filing or something like that?



Your point makes sense. However, at the time of this film the starting salary for teachers in my area was around 26 grand ( not adjusted for inflation) based on a 41 week work year ( they could choose to receive around 500/wk year round or 650ish just while school is in). Now the starting salary for a new teacher right out of college is around 38-40. A teacher with 20 years experience probably made at least $50k back then. Of course that's only cash compensation, total compensation includes benefits normally superior to just about any profession. I know some teachers who are only half-time- they either have other jobs/businesses or enjoy having a lot of family time and/or have high earning spouses. So they split a job with another teacher. And they each might get 20something for working a half-day. I know non-accredited ( with no college education at all) daycare "teachers" who make 20 something.


More than likely they just moved her to another grade/school in the district.


I always thought the principal was telling the truth when she told the kid who asked where she was, "She went to see someone."

The school could have lied and told the school community she was sick, but then if parents/families had seen her out and around town, the jig would have been up and attention/suspicion could have been cast on Dominic's class/Kimble.

The school may indeed have sent her/asked her to see family who lived out of town with the understanding that she would come back to work after the situation had been resolved.

I certainly hope they paid her during the interim as it hardly seems fair not to.

"What person who is nothing like me are you saying that to?" - House


I am not sure about that, for a few reasons.

For one, when Kimble was first in the class, and the kids were going wild, the principal and some other woman were looking in. I always assumed that was the kindergarten teacher that was taken from the classroom.

Also, even if they did have her leave town, what about her expenses? What if she had no family that she could stay with for that period of time? Even if given her salary for that time, would it be right to make her pay the expenses of a hotel, etc? not to mention just generally disrupting her life.

And again, when Kimble returned, did she just lose her job?


Isn't it just likely that she just had a paid holiday for a week or two?


At the end, it looked like Kimble was back for good.


Thankfully, Mrs. Sobolewski, one of the teachers, was retiring at the exact time of the movie, so John was hired on full-time and the original teacher got hr job back.


I know this was just a movie, but sometimes I look at the character situations and think how much it would suck in real life.

Like this case, to be an established teacher with a good record, and just lose her job.


I don't think she lost her job. Maybe they moved her to another school as a substitute teacher (I'm not sure how that works, we don't have substitute teachers in England)

or, as another poster said, maybe she got sent on a free holiday. I imagine if that was the case then all her expenses etc. would be paid for by the police


Just out of curiosity, what do they do when a teacher is out? If the class left on their own?


Usually the head teacher would teach (or head of years) if they couldn't then the class would be left on our own with a random teacher popping in to check on us


When we had subs in school, usually not a lot got done.


I assumed maybe the government took care of her travel arrangements and expenses and gave her pay for letting them use her classroom for a short period to catch a bad dude. I imagine she'd have to sign confidentiality wavers but probably the Feds took care of her cover story etc
