Favorite Quotes

It's Fear. Yellow freakin fear. I've been too chicken shi# afraid to live my life so I SOLD IT TO YOU FOR 300 FREAKIN DOLLARS A WEEK!

"I'm a god. Not THE God, I don't think"


Sorry it's not a quote, but i do love this movie!! that is a great quote you quoted!!!!!!!!1


"Mr. Banks...Mr. Banks...the doctor will see you now."


"....that to me is like asking me who you are, and I don't know who you are, I don't want to know. It's taken me my whole life to find out who I am, and I'm tired now, you hear what I'm saying?"

"Brain Cloud" (with the obligitory hand gesture)

"... is it my blood, or my urine?" "No, they're fine"

"I still have my trunks!"

"... a constant state of amazement"

I love this movie -- are they all walking around asleep?


Chief: "Are you Joe?"
Joe: "Yes."
Chief: "Joe...Banks?"
Joe: "Yes."
Tribesmen: "Whooooaaaa!!!!"

Signed, Epstein's mother.


"D***ed if I know, kemo sabay. All I know is that when you're making those kind of calls, you're in the high country."

I could have the wording a little off; I haven't seen this movie for quite a while. I saw it on cable a few years ago, and they dubbed over the 'kemo sabay', but left the curse at the beginning intact!


The 2 quotes I use all the time are,

"I know he can get the job..... But can he do the job?"


"I'm not argueing that with you...... I'm not argueing that."


Me, too! I also use "I have no response to that" a lot. It's kind of hard to work the "Kemo Sabay" line I listed above into everyday conversation!



"You look like a bag of sh*t stuffed in a cheap suit."


Those are all great lines. I also like it when the luggage salesman says, "May you live to be a thousand years old, sir!"


Yes sir, Mr. Left. That is the best line of the movie, IMHO. :)


"Has a LUGGAGE problem..."



"It's been a long time coming here to find you.....and a long crooked road"

That's the most profound thing I think or at least one of them in the whole movie.

But....I do often use "I have no response to that" myself, rather often.


Come on people...

"Take ME!!!...to...the VOLCANO!!!!"

"Brain cloud, brain cloud, you'd think they could come up with something better than a brain cloud."

"Yeah, but still, we're floating out here a million miles from nowhere...

...it's always gonna be something with you Joe"


Patricia Graynamore: I had a price. My father named it and now I know that about myself.

Not a quote, but fabulous scene- Joe dancing by himself on the trunks to "dum dum dum dee dee dee wah.
just to have that much exuberance stranded by yourself.. fantastic scene

Joe's Boss: If I said that, I would have been wrong.

Joe: Is there any ceremony or anything?
Chief: No, you just jump in

Patricia Graynamore: {in shaky voice about to jump into the volcano} Whither thou goest I go.

Joe: All my life I've been a sap.
Patricia Graynamore: No no no, you know what that means?? Joe your whole life is ahead of you
Joe: Hey that's great! I'm saved! [looks around] but still... we're on a raft.. we might not be saved.. I don't know..
Patricia Graynamore: it's always going to be something with you joe

this has already been quoted, but my actual favorite line of the movie:
DeDe: What's with the shoe Joe?
Joe: I'm losing my soul.

what a phenomenal movie


This is my fave.

"Leave the gun. Take the canolli."


"You don't feel good? Nobody feels good. After childhood it's a fact of life."

"What's the matter with you?"
"Brain cloud." (swoops hand over head front to back)

"My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement."

"I love you, too! I've never been in love with anybody before, either! It's great! I'm glad! But the timing stinks. I've gotta go."


I used that line once! It was AWESOME!!!

It's not that my teasers are better than yours it's just that yours are vastly inferior to mine


tonight we will have a big feast. at the end of the feast you will climb up the big woo and jump in. okay?

Not now, son, I'm making... TOAST!


"Long ago, the delicate tangles of his hair covered the emptiness of my hands .... do you want to hear it again?"
