Original ending

While doing some searching, I discovered what appears to be the original ending to Jetsons: The Movie. It was later cut out of the film and replaced with the ending that's in there now. Apparently it was cut due to its dark nature and it was out of respect for Mel Blanc.
It begins right when the Jetsons escape the drilling bore and confront Spacely on the surface. The same dialogue is exchanged, trying to convince Spacely that what he's done is wrong. That his drilling is destroying the Grungees' homes. It's even discovered that Spacely knew about them all along, as pointed out by George. But Spacely won't listen to reason and is bent on achieving his billionth sprocket, no matter what it takes. Just as he prepares to start the machines again, the little Grungees, once small, loveable, cuddly Ewok creatures become almost demonic. Glowing red eyes, anger...they proceed to pick up Mr. Spacely and carry him off, pleading for George to save him. But George and the rest of them are too awestruck and nervous to do anything as they witness the Grungees throw Spacely over the edge of the balcony, screaming "JETSON!!" as he descends, and falls into his machinery. Though we don't see what actually happens to him, the Jetsons cringe and look away. The Grungees aren't finished yet. They proceed to dismantle the plant as the Jetsons leave in awkward silence. The entire plant collapses into a heap, with the material recycled and used to rebuild the Grungee society.
As the family is packing up to return to Earth, Jane asks if they're going to attend Spacely's funeral. George doesn't think so since he has an interview at Cogswell Cogs that day. Besides his grieving widow, once discovering she is the sole executor to his estate, is no longer grieving and plans to shoot her husband's remains into space.

This was cut from the movie because while it was being shot, Mel Blanc passed away and they deemed it inappropriate to show his character having a violent death around the time his voice artist died, so the scene was cut, footage destroyed, and the alternate ending was put in instead.

By the way, this is NOT the original ending, the subject is just a JOKE. This is simply MY alternate ending entirely made up in my head.


Where did you learn about this alternate ending? I would like to know. I've never seen this movie, but it seems like a good movie, being Mel Blanc's last performance. The original ending does seem dark for a kids movie. As the Nostalgia Critic would say about this ending:
"You know, for kids!"
I'm glad they changed the ending. Universal had some respect for Mel Blanc. Unlike Fred Calvert's version of The Thief and the Cobbler for The Completion Bond Company, where they replaced some of Anthony Quayle's lines four years after he died.


Is that for real?


No, but that's how it SHOULD have ended.


Then why say it's the 'original' ending?


It sounds original, doesn't it?


Cute but you also said "While doing some searching, I discovered what appears to be the original ending to Jetsons: The Movie."

That is a blatant lie.


Well nobody forced you to read my freakin' post, did they?


That's not the point. The point is you misrepresented yourself and that's why we're now discussing your LIE instead of the post itself. Next time you feel the need to say something, people will be more inclined to listen if you tell the truth, instead of you tricking them into reading your post.


You've made your point, now please go away.


I have every right to post on here. I'M not a liar.


I agree. You shouldnt post something and then lie about its origin. I knew it was fake right from the off. Theres no way they would go for such a dark ending as that.


He clearly posted in bold type at the end that he was joking. Although, with all due respect to Mel Blanc, maybe this ending should have stayed intact. Maybe the movie would've been a mild hit instead of a mega-flop!


It sounds original, doesn't it?

No it doesn't. They wouldn't have killed off a main character from a Hanna-Barbera series. Spacely is hardly "evil" he's just greedy.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


I assumed this was fake by the time you mentioned throwing Spacely off the balcony and knew it was when you mentioned the "are you going to Spacely's funeral" line, but that was seriously funny and creative. I don't know why some people are getting on you about your opening statement - that just made the humor come through even more - especially since some people took it seriously. Anyway, thanks for a good laugh!


Yes, I made it up. That's how I think the movie should have ended, since this was pretty much the final word on The Jetsons. Nothing new since.


A lie is a lie. Immaturity is immaturity. Your original ending seems nothing more than you taking "Squidward's Suicide" to heart and tweaking it to fit something else in an attempt to be original and creative.

The internet is my only escape to reality in Arcata.


"Your original ending seems nothing more than you taking "Squidward's Suicide" to heart and tweaking it to fit something else in an attempt to be original and creative."

That isn't possible since I've never seen "Squidward's Suicide".

"A lie is a lie. Immaturity is immaturity."

Annoying is annoying.


sounds like we got some creepypasta here.

I warned you not to go out tonight
