The real story?

I looked online but couldn't find anything about the actual story. I only remember it as a news story as a kid, and just that she went to prison. I thought they really did get back together in real life (although I doubt for the romantic reasons as depicted in the H'wood version of the story).

Does anyone from Allentown remember the details? Or if anyone's on Lexus, hook us up!


~ Too be honest I don't know about the true story.



from online:

"Do you remember the story about Tony Toto, of Allentown, PA.? He operated a pizza parlor there. Tony Toto survived at least 5 attempts on his life, all arranged for or carried out by his dear wife, Frances, & her lover. Twice she arranged for assailants to beat him over the head with baseball bats. On one occasion she put a tripwire across the basement stairs in their house, hoping that he would trip over it & plummet to his death. Twice she arranged for him to be shot. The first time she drugged his chicken soup so he would sleep soundly, & he was shot in the head, but miraculously survived. The 2nd time he was shot in the chest, but only sustained minor injuries. Now this is a picture of a real happy couple, isn't it? Even more miraculous than Tony's survival was his attitude toward his wife once he found out she was responsible for all of this. Tony, a self-confessed lady's man himself, said that he held his wife blameless. When she was found guilty & sent to prison for arranging for his murder, he took their 4 children & visited her every week - every single week. Then when she was released from prison, she went back to their red brick home to resume her married life with Tony. With his arm around her, Tony said, 'We're more in love now than ever before. I don't understand why people break up over silly little things.'"



I actually went to high school in Allentown, PA with one of their sons (he wasn't portrayed in the film, from what I understand). The 2 kids in the movie are his older brother and sister. I only went to HS with him, but heard about this story from other friends who went to elementary/middle school with him. He was such a nice guy, and from what I understand, his parents are still together, to this day. I have also tried to look up info online, but haven't been able to get much, as well. If you want, you can look up our local newspaper for archives: The guy I graduated with, Frank, was such a quiet, but funny and sweet guy. He's married now, with a girl from HS...not sure I would have wanted to be her when she 1st met his parents--for Hope it wasn't soup!


I'm best friends with Tony Tota's grand-daughter! It sure is a small world, isn't it?


Interesting Story. Hey, I'm glad it worked out. &



That's interesting, but isn't that hypocritical of her to try and murder him for cheating, if she also had a lover?!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl

