Who's Marlon James?

I saw this movie but I didn't notice Keanu Reeves. Later I realized that he had the role of Marlon James, but I don't know who he was..........
can someone help me please?


Marlon was Harlon's cracked out cousin.


He was hired to kill Joey along with his cousin.

"I'm not from these parts. From a little place called England-we used to run the world before you."


Yeah he's the one who said the Pledge of Allegance and at first had his left hand on his heart


Yeah and he also went on about "whatzisname" when he first appeared. Did anyone think River Phoenix was so cool as Devo in that movie???


~ Yeah! I thought he was wicked cool as Devo.




i was LMAO when i saw Keanu's character in I Love You To Death!

"Isn't that illegal?"
"To have sex with a kangaroo..."

and i though he seemed stoned in Bill and Ted...

I'm not as think as you drunk I am!



I love River as Devo he so cool and funny

Devo Nod: Oh No, Taking care of the maggots is MY job.

Devo Nod: Who'd you expect me to hire? The Red Cross?

I love his funny lines :D

RIP River Phoenix
RIP Christopher Reeve
RIP Dana Reeve
RIP Heather O'Rourke


river and keanu both rock

'Everyday should be a RIVER DAY'!!!!!help me celebrate & pass on this quote lol

"People think I have a lil' crush on River Phoenix, I don't I actually LOVE him!" - Said By Me!!!


Yeah, this movie is hilarious,
And Devo is pretty lovable in this movie.

Marlon was the one with dark hair and it was chopped up. Like a drunk guy took a lawn mower to his head or something. Lol.

Harlon was the one with long blonde hair.

Again, i'm going to say it: This movie is hilarious.




Keanu was great in this movie, he was soo funny, hes even cute as a junkie!! :)

I Hide my flower that facing from your vase you unsupecting feel for me almost a loneliness


I loved River & Keanu were so cool and hilarious in this movie! Keanu kinda stole the show a bit, he had the funniest lines.
"Is it illegal?" "What?" "To have sex with a kangaroo?"

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.
