
Saw this yesterday under the name of "Dark Angel" on Cinemax. Checked the description on DirecTV and it gave the description of the movie I remembered as "I come in Peace". Lo and behold it was ths same movie. I just thought that it was kind of funny. Trying to change a movie name after the fact :)


Wonder why they did that ? Maybe to attract new viewers who have heard bad things about "I Come in Peace".



"DARK ANGEL" is the international title, it was released uin the US under "I COME IN PEACE" just because the other title was already used by an old movie called "DARK ANGEL".


"Dark Angel" was the film's original title. Probaly the film's producer's changed it. Happened to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" as well back in the 70s. Originally it was called "Headcheese".



'Dark Angel'????? 'Dark Angel?!?' "Son of a--!!" I THINK this title just might have been something I came across and thought it was that other show starring Jessica Alba on the cable channels. Oh, man....that's so stuupid!!! I'm from the U.S.A. I recognize this movie only as 'I Come In Peace'.


well just so you know it was known as DARK ANGEL long before they released it in the US as I COME IN PEACE and even longer before Jessica Alba came into the scene...
