
I actually think this is a better movie than Predator, it definitely one of the most underrated flicks of the action movie heyday. It may be a product of its time and some of the effects may look a bit cheap but its just such an entertaining movie. Its by far Dolph's best performance and had a great supporting cast too. The plot was also pretty damn original, I have seen the movie a gazillion times and never tire of it. Great to see that's its finally been given the blu ray treatment it deserves. This movie might not be on a par with Terminator but along with The Hidden and They Live this is one of the best sci-fi action pics of its time.


I've watched Predator a few times and never really enjoyed it; but Dark Angel is a guilty pleasure that I am really pleased was released on blu ray!



I agree this is definitely way better than Predator IMHO


I just saw it for the first time and I liked it. I wouldn't say I liked it more than Predator, but it was a lot of fun.

Very good. But brick not hit back!
