I was totally blown over by that wonderful musical score by Patrick Doyle and it's one od the best scores ever. Sadly, the soundtrack on CD is out of print and hard to find but I was lucky enough (for the time being at least) to own a cassette version of the soundtrack until a CD version can be found. I'd wish we could have owned a CD player at the time fo the movie's release. Hopefully, Disney can re-release this very soon as they did with NEWSIES.
Out with the new and in with the old AND better-movies, TV shows and music


I have a CD score of this. It was insanely expensive-till i found it on ebay.


This is considered a rare collectible soundtrack, hence the high asking prices. However, it really isn't worth much more than $50-$75 so don't pay any more for it than that.


I used to have the cassette when the movie came out I loved it listended to it all the time glad to know others out there liked it too and Im not the only one!
