MovieChat Forums > Haakon Haakonsen (1991) Discussion > Im a member of the Disney Movie Club Exc...

Im a member of the Disney Movie Club Exclusive and Shipwrecked is....

one of the 3 new additions to the DVD collection that is coming out so i ordered it. Just letting everyone know. go to or call 1-800-362-4587. It says its not available in stores either so order it now. I think its $19.97 but thats not bad if you like it a lot.

Heres the actual link.

Jimmy Mac


It doesnt say the date of release....for Region 1 right?when is it coming out?You must know since you ordered it.

Give a guy a gun, he thinks he's Superman. Give him two and he thinks he's God.


I'm glad to see it becoming available, but disappointed that it is in standard TV format (1.33:1) rather than theatrical widescreen.

I think it is available in Australia (alas, not region 1)in widescreen format.


What sucks about the movie club is that they don't ship outside of the US, so it's not available here in Canada. :(
If the movie club were available in Canada, I would've signed up for it.


It's released now, and I've seen it in a couple of stores.

I bought it today for 100 kr at ICA Nær :)


What are some stores its one of my all time favortie films thanks..

**Watch the Don and Murph review show**


I saw it today at Best Buy. Sort of bummed it only comes in fullscreen. They had it for $9.95. Looks like it does not come with any extras.

Scott: See that? That's Cassiopeia. That's my girlfriend.
