Red Rock West Preview

Red Rock West is one of my favorite movies and probably a little more popular than The Hot Spot. If you love Red Rock West, you will love The Hot Spot. It makes me wonder how much input Dennis Hopper had on the set of Red Rock West after producing The Hot Spot.

You could probably conduct a semester's literature course comparing these two movies; especially Don Johnson vs. Nike Cage.

Movies like these two are the modern versions of The Big Sleep & Double Indemnity and it is such a pleasure to watch a recent film with no overdone gun play, stupid car chases, slow motion explosions all smothered in special effects.

Got to admit I didn't see the ending coming and the last scene was a Masterful piece of dialogue. Great acting by Don Johnson who has done some great work - wish he had done more. Great plot which, in a Hitchcock way, is laid down with no unnecessary excess, real tight and captivating.

Don't make the mistake I did. I looked at the "Bubble Gum" title, the Movie's poster and almost let it go by.

I give "The Hot Spot" 9 out of 10 stars.


Well said and completely agreed!

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