Help me, please!

Is this movie good? Is it at the same level as Come and see? Or Shindler's list, The Pianist, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metall Jacket, The Deer hunter? Is this movie a anti-war movie? I wanna buy this movie but it cost almost 40 bucks, so can you help me and tell me you opinions. Thank you!


Yes it's very good, you won't loose your money.


Its good but at times off beat.



The movie is worth watching at it. Maybe Schindler's List or the Pianist have a better quality, but this approach touches some new ineteresting points such as ***WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER*** the "schizophrenia" and the wish of the main character of feeling normal


I like it better than The Pianist, but the films are very diferent.

I on't think you'll regret watching it.

Yes, it's anti-war and anti-stupidity, I guess.
