Song name?

Anybody know the name of the song that plays while Solly is marching in the field with the other students at the Soviet orphanage? The song is appears to be in Russian and to be a marching song; I'm guessing it's something that Komsomols would sing. The scene comes right after Solly's rescue from the sinking boat by a Soviet soldier, and precedes the mail distribution scene at the orphanage.

Any help would be appreciated!


I believe it was called, "March Of Young Pioneer Groups." I have heard the tune before and remember that song. Unfortunately I can not find the words.


Actually, no - "March Of Young Pioneer Groups" was written by N.Gubar'kov and G. Khodosov. The song used in the movie is a russian version of "Dem Morgenrot entgegen", translated by Alexander Bezymenski. It was popularised by movie "How The Steel Was Tempered" in 1922 (
Original Poster is right - this song was very popular amongst pre-war Komsomols. The words are something like "We are the Young Guard of Workers and Peasants"...


I remember this quite well - the song's first line (in German) is indeed "Dem Morgenrot entgegen...", but I believe the song's name is actually "Die Junge Garde des Proletariats" ("the Young Guard of the Proletariat"). It's an old German Social Democrat youth song that was adopted by the Communists after 1918.
