Gerd? and the book?

Europa, Europa is one of my fav films!

I would like to know what is the name of the lad who plays Gerd and what other films is he in?
Which book shop Can you get the novel? I have tried most places in Dublin and none of them know what Im talking about. looks like my only option is the internet.

Thanks, cheers!


Gerd is played by Ashley Wanninger. I actually dated him right after filming this movie. It was a very dark time for him during filming. We actually met in a rehab in connecticut. He was the love of my life. But I haven't spoken or seen him in about 10 years. He has been in a couple of other films - french mainly. Sex is Comedy and Romance are two. But I haven't seen any new films he's in. The two films I mentioned are late 90s early 00s. He was living in NYC and Switzerland last I heard. He really is the most intense, beautiful, messed-up person. I will always remember the incredible time we spent together.


Your post makes me so sad, i feel like killing myself...



I F**cking hate you! He is so god dam gorgeous!! Well you enjoyed it and thats good! Thanks anyway! ^^
