MovieChat Forums > Henry & June (1990) Discussion > where in the diaries? *spoiler*

where in the diaries? *spoiler*

After seeing this a bunch of times, I bought the book Henry and June, mostly because I was curious about how exactly June found out that Henry and Anais were having an affair and what happened afterwards. But, Anais and Henry's affair is still going on without June's knowledge at the end. So how and when does June find out about them? Thanks to anyone who replies to this--I'm dying to know.



I don't remember the diaries because I read them really long time ago.

In the movie Anais and June are in bed and about to make love but June all of a sudden stops thinking Henry woke up cuz she wants to make sure he doesn't hear them. Anais spontaneously blurts out that once Henry falls asleep nothing can wake him up. In this moment June realizes they've been lovers since Anais knows such intimate details about her husband. She feels betrayed by both.


Oh yeah, I've seen the movie. I was wondering what happened in real life. Thanks anyway.



Actually, according to the official Anais biographer Deirde Bair's book called "Anais Nin" things played out similarly to the movie plot.

June was told by Michael Frankel, Miller's expatriate American friend in Paris, about Anais being his patron and mistress. She came to Paris, the two women developed intense friendship and tried to seduce each other as a way of diffusing attention from Henry and as a masked competition. The after party bedroom scene happened in reality in much the same way. June passed out drunk and Anais just watched her fully clothed. Henry was asleep and afraid to check the situation in fear what he'd see. The next morning June confronted him telling she put on a lesbian act to trap Anais into telling her the truth about the two of them. She demanded a divorce and, as legend grew around this incident, supposedly said to Henry "Now you have the last chapter for your f----g book".

There was more drama later but the movie skipped the part of June threatening them with bodily harm and taking money from Henry's wallet, him escaping to London just to be turned back by the British customs and other details. Basically he let June go to Anais's delight. She later abandoned him after engaging in an incestuous affair with her father.

I hope this helps.


Eeh, thank you! That's exactly what I wanted.


Let the lovefeast begin.


What was sick about that is that her psychoanalyst Otto Rank ( protegee of Freud) told her do it.


Sleeping with her dad? Yeah. That's really strange advice..


Let the lovefeast begin.


This is the 3rd time I've watched this incredibly boring movie. I've seen it all the way thru. I like naked gorgeous babes, but this story doesn't cut it. Guess one had to BE THERE to appreciate it. The ST isn't good at all.

Come visit my forum for a drink & good conversation. *wink*


"This is the 3rd time I've watched this incredibly boring movie. I like naked gorgeous babes, but this story doesn't cut it."

3 times!?? What a masochist you are!lol If you like "gorgeous babes" then rent yourself a porn flick.

