MovieChat Forums > Hard to Kill (1990) Discussion > Car swap with Mexicans????

Car swap with Mexicans????

Was it that easy back in 1990 to just swap cars?? And not one of the Mexicans asked, "Um, why are there 23 bullet holes on your Jeep?"


Yeah, and Storm didn't really come out and say, "How about we swap cars." They just swapped. Weird. I guess they both were mind readers.


You do hear the Mexicans say "Hey, this jeep looks like it's been in a war, man!" and it sounds like they are laughing and saying it with excitement lol


Can anyone else explain the car swap? lol


It was a new Jeep for an old Camaro or something that probably had to be fixed up every weekend. Even though the Jeep was torn up, it was more or less a fair trade in the realm of fiction.


They do say “hey there’s bullet holes in the glass” or something similar, off screen.

Whenever dialogue is off screen it’s because someone in post production said “this makes no sense” and they try and salvage it.


I always liked how he walked up to them and spoke a mix of English and Spanish: "Oh yay! Hermano! You like my coche?!" lol


It was worth a lot more than the car they were driving.

They asked him. "Is it hot?" Storm (Seagal) responded "Smoking." It was heading right for the chop shop.


Yeah, but he just knew they would do that? He just drove right up to them and did the swap like he already knew them or something.


He’s a cop. He’s trained to recognize criminal activity


What were they doing that looked like criminal activity? I haven't seen the movie in years and can't remember everything.


They were willing to swap their car for a stolen vehicle, so clearly he had them pegged.
