MovieChat Forums > Hard to Kill (1990) Discussion > Delete your post... Hard to Kill style!

Delete your post... Hard to Kill style!

[This message has been deleted because it got *beep* e d and died!]


(This message was deleted because it got a broken pool cue to the neck)


(This message has been deleted because it has been taken to the bank...the blood bank!)




"Sweet jesus u same morons put this crap on the Lethal Weapon board "delete your post lethal weapon style" ahahahahaha u people must be fu cked up in the noggin because u got dropped on your head so many times as a baby.

pick a new god dam thread topic for christ sake."

Um, a new topic? The whole point in these threads is that while the theme is the same, they are all different because they are in the style of the chosen movie. Either that or I just have so much brain damage that I can't tell the difference.

EDIT: I just noticed that you actually started your own "Delete your post..." thread in the Out for Justice forum, so... I dunno.



Nice, another convert :)




[This message has been deleted because it has big balls]

Oops. Wrong Seagal movie.


[This message has been deleted because it has the greatest respect for Storm's courage]

’Cause there’s thunder in your heart... Every move is like lightning!


[This message has been deleted because it has big balls]

[This message has been deleted because they must have been smaller than I thought]


[This message has been deleted because it's a petite white boy in a federal penitentiary.]

'It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?'
'If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.'


this message has been deleted b/c we want the tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with the Mattress Police. There are no tags on these mattresses.


[This message was deleted because it got a pool cue through the neck.]

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


(This post was deleted because it was smokin.)
