MovieChat Forums > The Guardian (1990) Discussion > the TV version (the NBC cut) of 'The Gu...

the TV version (the NBC cut) of 'The Guardian' (1990)

Does anybody have the made-for-TV (the cable version) (the NBC CUT) of "The Guardian"?
I saw this version as a teenager and i remember branches raising from her hands in the forest (i mean her hands branch out)???? Is it true?



The only thing I remember about this movie is that the nanny gets all sexual with a tree. I thought it was ridiculous when I saw it as a teenager. Sex with a tree, what next.


I know what you mean julden99. it was gross when she was all sexual with the tree. i remember my babysitter would make my brother and i watch this when we were younger. it would scare the *beep* outta me. why was she all sexy with the tree? wouldnt she like pray to the tree? my brother and i used to laugh when she was naked on the tree lol


that scene still freaks me out when Ed follows her to the woods and Camilla is naked lying on the tree. The more the tree touches her the more she becomes the tree.



Jenny Seagrove is gorgeous especially in this film. Damn - I wish i was that tree ;-)


Jenny Seagrove is the only reason to watch this movie.




Seriously, do you people have brains? The tree was not having sex with the nanny. She was injured from a stab wound to the abdomen and she went to the tree for healing. That is what the scene was all about, the tree caring for its servant and healing her. Only an idiot wouldn't understand that.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I always wondered about that scene too. When I was little I saw this and my dad said that the tree was havin sex with her. Then I found this on youtube and seen that she was cut by them bikers. I never knew a tree could heal a druid. But why did she change to bark?


I never said it was... I was refering to the tree touching her! :) whether it was meant in a sexual way or not, I was having a laugh.


Wasn't the NBC version renamed and some of the supernatural elements taken out? Maybe I'm confusing it with another movie...


the whole ending is gone from the tv cut. in the tv cut she survives. they left out the part where he goes to the tree cuts it down with the chainsaw. her death scene is gone. the tv cut is unwatchable imo


As I recall, much of the supernatural content was cut from the network TV version, and obviously the extreme violence, nudity, and sexuality. Though it's been years since I've seen this version...I remember that, after the aforementioned adjustments, it just depicted Seagrove's character as a suspicious-looking, potentially dangerous interloper in Brown/Lowell household (a la HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE).

But with the jolting violence/gore bits, effects, and other atmospheric effects largely substituted - and a totally different rhythm and tempo, plus the threat of Seagrove's character now so diluted - others may disagree, but I personally found this version to be barely watchable beyond the novelty of seeing the alternate shots and scenes.

On the Anchor Bay DVD from 1999, the commentary interviewer specifically makes reference to this alternative cut before Friedkin stumbles somewhat in his response. He insists that he's never heard of any alternative cut and that he has no idea what the interviewer is talking about, references equally untrue rumors of alternative theatrical cuts of THE EXORCIST over the years, and then the subject is dropped entirely.

Given the directorial credit of this TV cut to Alan Smithee, plus Friedkin's denial of any awareness of this alternate cut in spite of its obvious existence in multiple broadcasts over the years, it all suggests that the TV cut was perhaps imposed by the studio and that Friedkin unhappily removed his name from it via some legally binding settlement.
