MovieChat Forums > The Guardian (1990) Discussion > It's on dvd with an audio commentary!?

It's on dvd with an audio commentary!?

Damn I must buy this. I have to hear Friedkin talk about this movie haha.


Yep, I just purchased a copy from a seller on for $21.00 and recieved it a few days ago. I have watched the movie and really enjoyed it, but I have not had a chance to listen to the commentary yet.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


The commentary was pretty interesting. Friedkin is very satisfied with the film he made here and gives a lot of insight on what he thinks of the movie industry today and the lack of desire when it comes to current film makers leaving anything to the imagination. I very much agreed with him on many points. If I had a criticism, it would be that they talk about The Exorcist a bit too much. Still, it was worth a listen!

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I just bought this off Amazon Marketplace after having it on my Wishlist for a few years.
Since my birthday was coming up I decided to splurge and spend $20 bucks on the rare DVD, I'm a huge fan of the film and wanted to buy this copy just to hear the commentary.

The commentary was by Friedkin along with a moderator/film critic who asks him questions.

(The commentary was fairly interesting, much better than his dreadfully boring commentary on the Exorcist. In the Exorcist all he really does is speak aloud what is obviously happening on screen.

There were a few dull moments when they got off track talking about other films and another ridiculous segment where he says that DVD has better quality than 35mm film, I thought that was laughable.

I'm still glad I bought this disc it was a rare treat to get insight into the making of this obscure favorite movie.

On another note I didn't like the quality of the picture on this Disc it looked pretty grainy and the contrast was bad / dark... I would imagine the version of the DVD that is more recent without commentary looks better.

This commentary is worth hunting down if you are a hardcore fan otherwise skip it and get the newer / cheaper disc.

"This is the 80's, nobody likes reality anymore!"


Yeah the quality is bad. The dvd comes in fullscreen and widescreen. It actually looks better in fullscreen... what the hell.

The Guardian is a crappy film. It's hilariously bad, like Troll 2. I bought dvd thinking I would hear Friedkin laugh at how bad the film is. Instead what I got was Friedkin praising the film, calling it one of his best films, saying it's up there with The Exorcist and The French Connection.



It is an outrageous film... has many scenes that are so over the top, but it does have a more serious edge to it that many other horror films from that era didn't have. Additionally it has wonderful Cinematography. This combo makes it unique and is always great fun every time I revisit it.

I'll have to rewatch with the Full screen version to see the quality compared to the wide screen
Maybe some day it will come out on Bluray with a pristine image since Friedkin seems to be such a huge lover of the Home video format, i'm sure he'll be all over it.

"This is the 80's, nobody likes reality anymore!"


Just bought a bare bones edition dvd of this movie today.Paid only $3 dollars Australian for it at a newsagents of all places!
I first saw this movie in the late 90s and remember also seeig scenes from it in that Boogeyman doco.Always seemed out of place next to the Chucky,Freddy etc clips!😁
