What happens in this movie?

I saw it a long time ago, and the only story that I can remember is the guy and the girl.

Can you give me a quick synopsis of the other stories in the movie, and how the movie ends for the two main characters?



Bounty hunter comes upon the campsite of a guy traveling home to be with his wife. As a way to break the ice, the bounty hunter starts telling stories. The two trade stories as the night goes by: First one is about an old codger who cuts through an Indian burial ground and gets buried alive. Second one is about a traveler who happens upon a young pregnant woman and takes her under his protection but is really some sort of succubus. Literally. Third story is about a displaced family from the south looking for a new start after the Civil War, the father is a bigot and his daughter catches him taking part in a really gruesome lynching of a black family, and the story ends on an ambiguous note. Fourth story is about an ace gunfighter who is a neatness freak and finds he cant wash the blood of his latest kill of his hands & goes insane. At the end of the story it's daylight and the two realize they've become friends but decide to part ways, until the bounty hunter realizes he'd killed the wrong guy. The two then ride off together presumably to tell each other more stories as they travel together.




(until the bounty hunter realizes he'd killed the wrong guy)

I forgot about that part. Fill me in?

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((Better late than never))

Been ages since I've seen it, but I remember Morrison (the bounty hunter) talking about what he's going to do with his reward, yada yada, until the other guy, Farley, questions him on the "tell tale" sign that Morrison had told him, which I believe was that he only had 3 fingers on his left hand. Morrison counts his fingers and there are 4 (meaning it's not him), so he throws the body off his horse and leaves it behind. Simply saying, "wasn't him."
