MovieChat Forums > The Grifters (1991) Discussion > Benning the least impressive con artist ...

Benning the least impressive con artist of the three

She basically got naked and $#%#ed someone when things didn't go her way. Her old con partner Cole did all the hard work when they did scams. Nice body, but her scams could have been more impressive.


Yeah, maybe, but it shows three different con artists and their games. Roy liked the short, quick, small scores. Lily the horse game, working for a bigger organisation. And Myra, she needed partners and a setup, or else she was on her own, banging for the rent money or whatever else she had to do.


True, but she's not a con-artist in the same sense as the other two. She's the roper, someone who f@cks the marks to rope them in. She didn't have to be "impressive" like Cusack or Huston were; she just had to show off her naked body, which she did throughout the movie every chance she got.

We men are pretty stupid that way.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Myra was a wannabe, that's why she needed to hook up with someone who was better than her. Her end game basically consisted of murdering Lilly, since she didn't have the skill to grift.
