Frusterating ending!

I love love love Green Card but always watching the ending tears me up inside! I just wish they could have stayed together, but what is everyone's opinion of what would have happened next...

Would Bronte have moved to France? I just couldn't believe they did not spend the rest of their lives together after!


Yes she would (and did). But, after finding out for the 200,000th time in French shops, hotels, on the street, with the neighbors, and with his friends and so on that the French don't particularly like Americans, and especially Americans who do not speak French well, and the fact that her husband is after all, French, along with that whole caboodle, she comes to her senses and returns to her homeland, and the approval from her countrymen.

Sorry I could not be more poetic. Realism and lyricism are just too antithetical for me to try to combine.

I liked the movie a lot, and especially Andie MacDowell.


People (male and female, that is) that spend a lot of time together can quickly form an attachment, don't confuse this for love especially making for a lasting relationship.


yea i just thought he was good for her. Made her look differently at the world around her and realise she could like ppl just as much as plants so it didn't matter if they do or don't end up together cos they'd both had a bit of life back in their lives and i'm sure they would spend alot more time together
