MovieChat Forums > A Girl to Kill For Discussion > Did THE SEEDS sing the ending song?

Did THE SEEDS sing the ending song?

Is this the movie I'm thinking about?
At the very end, the heroine survived the killer. She puts on a beauty queen tiara and looks at herself in the mirror. The ending song starts to play. The title of the song, is, "Can't Seem To Make You Mine", by The Seeds, 1965.

Anyone know?


I know that song, but if it was in the credits, I didn't catch it. I know I heard it in a commercial recently.

It's "On Demand" right now. I just watched it last night. I'll watch it again and let you know...and the Seeds are the best.

You were born a pig farmer.
You'll always BE a pig farmer.
And now, you will DIE a pig farmer.


In 65 the song didn't get that much air play, and it was generally a non heard of song, it was re-released in February of 67 at least in the Los Angeles area, it did a whole lot better but still didn't make the top 40. Great song though, I have a copy in my juke box.
