So let me get this straight..

So after all the terrifying sh!t that occurred in the first, along with being grabbed and pulled down into hell by a zombie workerman from his imagination, Terry is willing to re-open the Gate regardless, to wish for his dad to get a job and stop drinking. Now, come on, is that REALLY worth it? And that's the whole basis of the movie. I mean come on, really???

However it seemed like this time he only summoned one little minion instead of blowing the Gate wide open like they did in the first one, to get his wish. So I guess it makes a little more sense, however, do you think that making any deals with demons in terms of wishes will not come with out a cost?? Do you think anything good comes out of dealing with hell? Of course I'm talking the idea of hell, and demons, I for one don't actually believe in that but for the sake of a horror movie I mean.

this film just wasn't as exciting as the first, nothing really happened. There's only one little minion this time, and the other demons are SO cheesy.


Yeah, the premise was so flimsy that it made me laugh at how straight forward they were presenting it. The fact that there's no build up to it adds to the unintentional comedy aspect that this guy would summon these things immediately.

I think the lower budget was the only reason they only had one minion available.


Hell, and demons believe in you.
