I Remember, Huey!

This is a pleasant little romp with more talent than script, but every time I watch I shed a little tear for what was and what could have been.

Watching the scene in the barn always brings a up emotions because I was the same age as Buckner, near as I can figure, in that little home movie. I had an aunt and uncle that were real hippies and I spent quite a bit of time with them. I suppose, if only by osmosis, I absorbed much that makes up my fundamental character from them. I suppose that's why I'm a conservative hippy.

How can that be?

It's because most people have no idea what a hippy is, really. People think of flowers, drugs, and protests; but that wasn't what being a hippy really was. No, hippies were about freedom, liberty, self-determination, free expression, about being more than just what you could be: it was about being what you wanted to be. They were a generation that really believed they could change the world and, in case you never noticed, they did. Only they did it in ways they couldn't imagine.

The generation that grew up in that atmosphere of discord and upheaval view the world in ways that seem skewed by many standards. Simply put, we wanted our cake and we wanted to eat it too. Putting it politically, we are like that most enigmatic of presidents, Thomas Jefferson: we were Democratic-Republicans. We want to combine real democracy, every citizen having a voice in government, and the ideals of a republic, collective achievement.

Our time is about to come. We've moved from being the target of Madison Avenue to being the ones aiming; from hunted to hunter. And if you thought the 60's were radical; we're going to make the 60's look like the 50's.


Nice post...

I too always shed a tear or two during that beautiful scene - it's the loss of innocence and of the ideals - and I agree with much of what you say, although you seem a little more optomistic than I feel. I always hope for the best, though. All the best to you.

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