film location

The scene where they are playing basketball was shot at Amphitheater High School in Tucson arizona. CAge also wne to a strip bar called T. D's west. I worked at the school at the time, and we were told not to aproach the actors for autographs. I ran into Mr. Cage outside the gym and he was friendly and autographed something for my then girlfriedn. The lines he had when sean young in the gyn were given to him by someone else because they were not at the loation at the same time.


When I was in the army, I was stationed at Ft. Hood, TX. In the scene where Nicholas Cage is driving the Humvee blindfolded, you can briefly see my old barracks building in the background.
I think the flying scenes were filmed at White Sands.

"You want fun? Go home and buy a monkey!"


A good portion of the flying scenes were filmed near Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and the Western Army Aviation Training Site (WAATS) both of which are in or near Tucson, AZ.


I worked at the Tucson Convention Center when this movie was made and they filmed some scenes in our old exhibition hall. In the beginning of the movie where they are all in the meeting room, that was a set built in the TCC, but it looked so much smaller than it appeared on screen. They also had a helicopter suspended from the ceiling with a projector screen in front of it. We got to watch as they filmed a flying scene. The helicopter stayed still, but the image on the screen in front of them was upside down to make it appear that they were flying upside down. It was pretty cool.

Parts of Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man and Stephen King's Desperation were also filmed at the TCC.
