
it was stupid and funny that they had dubbing in it and just the whole plot outline was bunk but the nudity was very good so that kinda mae up for it



I never laughed so much in a jackie chan film like in this one... it rocks!!!


I was suprised at the level of nudity in it. Not because it was particularly explicit, but because there were several bear arse shots and that none of the girls were prostitutes or have just been raped. It is a HK film, afterall.


Wait in the scene where Jackie enters Elsa's apartment or condo while Jackie is hiding dosen't Elsa sit down on the toilet and pee and it is actually audible?! That's super explicit for a PG-13 Jackie Chan movie in my opinion not that it really matters that much.


Yes it was quite explicit for a PG-13 movie. The Elsa apartment peeing scene, the shower scene with Ada and the quick pull the towel of Ada and see her lovely bare behind was kind of pushing the envelop but it was very nice and much appreciated!!!





It's a Jackie Chan action-comedy that's kind of what you're in for. The action scenes are incredible though and yes, seeing the Asian chick lose her towel a few times is a plus. ;)
