MovieChat Forums > Ernest Goes to Jail (1990) Discussion > I remember laughing so hard I had tears!

I remember laughing so hard I had tears!

Seriously. The "broken ink-pen skit" had me crying from laughter.

I was only 14/15 years old back then (circa '90), but don't look too much into that. This movie was HILARIOUS. I can't remember another time watching a movie and laughing THAT hard.

Favorite parts or lines?


I remember that I was 3or 4 years old and I needed to go to my grandparents house every weekend and they had only one movie and it was ernest goes to jail.
so every time I was there I watched it.
the whole movie is burned in my memory.
damn I wish I could see it for one last time.
but where I live you can not get it any where.

so if anyone knows where I can find it in belgium please let me know!
you would do me a big favour!!!

Did you hear the one about the three legged dog that walked into a bar and said, "I'm lookin' for the guy that shot my paw


Are you local


The best Ernest movie ever.

"It worked before" then zaps the guards guns out of their hands

"I've been Elvis"

Rest in peace Jim Varney, your memory will always be with us.



"I came, I saw, I got blowed up."


The funniest thing about this movie was watching my dad laugh at it. He would laugh until he cried every time he saw it. I would be laughing at him laughing at it.




Just reading these posts is making me laugh. i need this film!


..he got shocked/electrecuted,just the way he sounded


This movie sucks






Omg i remember this! I watched this film when I was on holiday in my auntie's house in Shropshire back in 1999 when I was 9 and i loved it!!

SPIDER PIG!! Loving the simpsons movie!


Him being the human magnet was the best. My childhood memory is of Ernest Goes To Jail.

Thank you for everything you did for us, Jim Varney. RIP.


^ Same here..I grew up watching this movie alot, with my family. I still laugh so hard when watching it. Ernest in the jury part is my favorite too.




I will agree. This movie is awesome. One of the hardest laughs for me is the scene where the butter tray is magnetized toward Ernest and it falls in his lap and he tries to play it off like he is just casually buttering some bread.

It probably has the best pacing of the entire Ernest collection. It is like Three Stooges, combined with WB cartoons, but on crack. What other movie has the lead character get electocuted 4 times?

The pen scene alone was awesome. It is like the old mechanic gag where he cries and the wipes the tears with his rag and gets grease all over his face.

I could go on about how well performed that scene was, but why bore you. Jim Varney was a comedy genius; up there with Jim Carrey in terms of slapstick goofiness.


I think it's funny when he dresses up as the old woman aswell after he has escaped from jail,pretending to be his aunty visiting him,lol.


I took my son to see this when it came out and I was dissolved in tears laughing. I'm a huge Laurel and Hardy fan and Bill Byrge and Gailard Sartain made a fabulous team. I think this is Varney's finest hour. I loved the film so much I wound up getting a beautiful 16mm print. I've since surprised many a jaded audience with this classic.


Theres 2 memorable film scnes that made me laugh till tears:
1) ERNEST GOES TO JAIL - Biting the pen during court
2) UP IN SMOKE - Cheech n Chong smoking that giant joint inside the car


My fave part years ago and still!

