The whole film is on youtube now.

Has anyone seen this on you tube. The entire film is on there. It is separated into nine parts but the whole thing is there.

there may be a boogie man or boogie men in the house:Homer Simpson.


oh fun! can u give me all the links please :)


Just type in ducktales the movie and it will come up.

there may be a boogie man or boogie men in the house:Homer Simpson.


awesomeness...what are some of the other films you've found surfing through youtube??/ I found Good Burger if that means anything! Anyone else got any titles they've stumbled across at youtube?


I found most of the spongebob squarepants movie and some vincent Price movie. I can't remember which film it was.

there may be a boogie man or boogie men in the house:Homer Simpson.


i found return to oz and part of chipmunk adventure, lol

Every killer lives next door to someone.




The Phantom of the Opera (1989) was there, but it's gone now.

Freddy Krueger: Come here. Come here, my little piggy. I got some gingerbread for ya.


Life as a house and the great mouse detective are also up there now.

there may be a boogie man or boogie men in the house:Homer Simpson.


Screw youtube is it on DVD yet!?

