I can't believe I took this so seriously when I was 10

This is a really rotten feature. It's shocking to me. You know how you usually have those movies that were so intense for you as a child, and you find it again twenty years down the road, pop it in, and can't even stay with it? That was my experience last night. My wife and I were bored out of our minds. Let's set up a serial dichotomy. I think other people should do this after reuniting with an old movie.

What I Remember/What it Turned Out to Be:
Inspired animation, several notches above network/Darker edges, and that's all; it basically is network quality

Dramatic story arc which became emotional and gut-wrenching/Simple, basic kids storyline which feels rushed, with no surprises

Cute little duckling I had some weird crush for/Oh, hell; I should of had clinical treatment for having a crush on a duck. Also, Webby is annoying as hell.

Witty dialogue/Cut-n-paste one-liners from the network show

Original/Lacks so much originality, makes me wonder why they even pushed this into the theaters

Funny genie dude/Lampy is his name? I forgot because he's both annoying and forgettable.

Violent ending, gooseflesh-inducing denouement/Again, rushed as hell, as well as typical of any Saturday morning adventure, one of those "hey-we-won-and-everything-is-okay-so-we're-going-to-laugh-it-off-roll-credits" finales. Nothing emotional at all, or even tense.

Realistic/Awesome; they have the Odysseus-like ability to dig a quarter of a mile before dusk in order to reveal a massive pyramid which would have made more than the cover of the Smithsonian, and everyone is perfectly fine from the event as though they had a nice, long nap.

That's all I can think of right now. The one thing that rang true was the beautiful score; that could be the main reason I was so wrapped up in ToTLL back in the day. Music has a way with kids.

"Don't TOUCH that. Dangerous, honey."



I'm 42, and I still take it seriously. Very seriously.

Ohhhh ohhhhh!


Um...you guys do realize this is a KID'S movie, don't you? If you loved it when you were the target age, I'd say the film did it's job.

When I was really little I loved watching "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood", but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to stomach it now,


The best and most well-remembered kids movies still appeal to all ages, though - ex "Mary Poppins", "Toy Story" ... etc.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Mary Poppins wasn't marketed as a 'children's movie,' but rather 'family friendly.' It was made for a general audience, not just for small children. So, that's not a good analogy. But Toy Story, I give you.


Still love it too, granted it doesn't have the same impact on me as it did back when I was a kid but I'll cherish this movie forever as one of the fondest memories from my childhood


I'm 36 and just got done watching it. Christopher Lloyd was great in this. This brings back memories of "Tailspin", "Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers", "Gummi Bears", and all the other Disney animated classics.


I saw it as an adult and I still love it.
