
I'm amazed this great film is not available on DVD, let alone VHS!!!! I picked up a copy of it today on VHS from a movie store selling there old stock. I have a feeling this VHS is worth a lot more then the $4 Australian I payed for it!

It's a great film, why the heck isnt it being produced on DVD? I've seen over-priced bootlegs of it on E-bay, but nothing official.... Hollyweed are too busy marketing the crap no one wants to see rather then release something everyone would enjoy.


I have asked myself the very same questions you have even since I first saw the Dreamer. I had no idea it was even out on VHS... guess it's time for me to hit the video stores??? AMEN!!!


well, i'm in Australia, so the distibution rights might be diffrent then the US. It was available on VHS here, but the one i bought was an x rental copy, well over 10 years old.


It was never available commercially in Australia... only as a rental... I got an ex-rental copy a couple of years ago and treasure it... it's very rare to find out here now!

Bring on the DVD!


I'll hang onto it then!


We should start a potion to send to NBC because they put it out. I have already 100 sigs from my friends and family. If you guys want in ill let u know something.
