Interesting Flick

I liked this - the characters at times seemed odd at times - but all in all, enjoyable movie. I liked Barbara Hershey (after seeing her in The Entity and Beaches) and thought this was an interesting twist.

I had something more clever, but they booed me off stage


If the DVD was still in print, I'd buy it, except from what I hear, it's the cut version.

I still have yet to see this, but judging from the trailer, it looks very interesting.


This is very well made. I remember seeing it on video in the early '90s. I snapped it up at the library not only because it had Sam Shepard and Barbara Hershey but because I had been blown away by the mini series "Edge of Darkness" and couldn't wait to see any film by director Martin Campbell.
I have to say I enjoyed this a lot. In fact I rented it a few times over the years. It could be called generic fare but so many thrillers that are given that label turn out to be extremely entertaining.
The characters are very well delineated, the plot works and there are some genuinely well-crafted thrills. All the elements meld seamlessly into an excellent, very under-rated thriller.
Hershey is superb as the defence lawyer clashing with the super cool, cynical cop Sam Shepard. The supporting cast, from Jay O. Sanders to Mary Beth Hurt are uniformly excellent.

Considering the half-baked, self-imploding, under-written thrillers that clog Hollywood's pipeline every year, I'd say "Defenceless" is way superior in every department and worth a few views.
