MovieChat Forums > Dark Shadows (1991) Discussion > Watching This Show on CHILLER Channel .....

Watching This Show on CHILLER Channel ...

right now ( The Pilot episode to start ) and for he very first time too ( so far highly entertaining ) . Unfortunately I haven't seen the original DS either . So I was wondering how this series compared to the original ? Also what state in the USA did this take place in ? Where was Collinwood Manor/Estate built ( or should I say ) reassembled to from England ? Anyone watching this series marathon on the CHILLER Channel today ?


I used to watch the original series and saw the movies, and am watching/taping this series (didn't catch it originally).

This so far (have watched up through Ep. 4) seems like a retelling and mix of the original series and the first film [the bit with Dr. H changing Barnabas' blood chemistry].

Collinwood and the town of Collinsport were located in Maine, but I have no recollection of the manor being dismantled and moved from England to North America. It seems to me, in the original series, the house was NEWLY constructed. The timeline would have put the building very near the Revolutionary War, so to be historically accurate Collinwood was originally located in Massachusetts.


Thanks so much azmuffy for your reply . This information has helped me a great deal and to get a better understanding of this intriguing show too .
