Wolf at that end

Was that a different wolf? Or was that two sox and had shot another wolf ?


Different wolf. Two Socks got shot by those stupid soldiers.

Hell yes!



That always makes me sad when the wolf is shot..

I think the ending might be a form of symbalisim that a new wolf is re-born or soemthing


It was the spirit of Two-Socks, which can never be killed.


I like to think that Two Socks lives.

After all, we don't see him dead.

Yes, there is a shot and we hear a yelp, but that doesn't mean that Two Socks wasn't just wounded and ran off. I'm sure to never approach a man again. Learning his lesson that not all men are as kind as Dunbar.


You do see him dead after the initial scene not moving or breathing on the ground.

I screamed out, "what the *beep*!!!!" When I saw it. Didn't really add up for him to die there


I always told myself it was him when I was a kid, it was too sad to think he got killed.

Odds are though it was a different wolf.
