Was That Sissy Spacek?

There's a flashback scene when the kids are around the piano singing with their mother. The end credits list the kids and one of them is Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk's daughter, Schuyler. Jack Fisk also directed the movie. However, the younger version of Mama Wheelis, playing the piano and only seen from behind, is never identified. If you look closely, it looks like it very well could've been Sissy Spacek, which makes sense because her husband directed the film and she could be there with her daughter making her first screen appearance. Any thoughts?




That is not supposed to be Mama Wheelis. Sissy Spacek did not play Lettie Sue in the flashbacks.


I know this post is old but loved this movie and nvr considered that could have been Sissy Spacek. Hard to tell because all you see is the back of a ladies head ... whom obviously with the smaller kids around, was supposed to been the mama at a younger age.

Here is video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhOgbCvKSB0
