Very Creepy Movie!

Hey! This is one of the most creepy movies of all time. Eerie with little hint of the direction it's going to go.

Chris Walken, of course, is threatening in his coldness. GREAT!

Mein Furher! I can valk!



For a truly creepy movie also watch 'Nightwatch (1997)' I found that one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen. Even creepier than this one...

Max Quant


It's been 15 years since I saw it and I haven't had the chance to watch it for a second time but it still haunts me! It was GREAT! And the soundtrack is a must for anyone who loves film music.


Dude, weird movie. I totally remember Chistopher Walken conversing with the lead guy, then out of nowhere just punching him in the stomach ... and then they resume talking as if nothing happened. It's that kind of flick. Natasha looks good.


I've only seen this film once, in the theater when it was released. I was a big fan of Natasha Richardson and the involvement of Walken certainly didn't hurt. I did love the film and almost don't want to see it again on video because I'm afraid I won't like it as much as I remember. But Walken's repeated, "my Father was a large man..." the 10th time he said that the theater was cracking up.



This movie is GOLD :D
