MovieChat Forums > The Comfort of Strangers Discussion > Natasha: best thing in the movie

Natasha: best thing in the movie

My friends, they love Natasha. I can see why. She radiates in this movie.
She kept me watching this movie.
Radiant, like a foreign sunset you see for the first time, but even when the sun cannot be seen, it is, even in the dark.
What a beauty.

The movie, eh. Pinter wrote. Wrote. The script. The words. The words that come out of people’s mouths. All sound like. The sound. Very. Very Halting. And flowing from out of nowhere. They sound like one person. A person. Named Harold. Harold. Harold Pinter.

Walken’s accent is all over the place. Brooklyn. Walkenville. London. Chicago.

Natasha. What a beauty. The best reason to watch this movie.


And now she's gone.


It's really sad.


It is indeed. A rough time for all involved.


What’s odd is my first art teacher died on the same slopes.
She was one of the nicest, most talented people I’ve ever known.
Who’s niceness exceeded her massive talent. Which was an impressive feat. Still is.
And all week I was thinking about her. Very sad.


Yes, she was beautiful in this movie.


What can you say?

Skiing is dangerous.

You can break your bones and crack open your head.

It happens all the time, just not to celebrities.

