uh wtf was that ending

COuld someone please explain this to me...Why would he let himself get caught, and whyd he even kill the man in the first place. Hell wtf is any of this.. I liked it cause im a huge Walken fan..but wtf...


it was a stalker film. And a convincing one, by my experience.



COuld someone please explain this to me...Why would he let himself get caught, and whyd he even kill the man in the first place. Hell wtf is any of this.. I liked it cause im a huge Walken fan..but wtf...
I think it can be summed up this way: My father was a very big man. And all his life he wore a black mustache. When it was no longer black, he used a small brush, such as ladies use for their eyes. Mascara.


I didn't (don't) get it.

Ms Richardson was hot though.


jstachler, that was truly awesome



IMDB Film Ratings: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=22271274


from what i gathered from the book, robert and caroline were weirdos who got pleasure from hurting each other (in caroline's case it was from being hurt) and it probably had something to do with their childhoods and all that jazz. in the end they went a bit overboard and robert wanted to go so far as to kill his wife and she sort of wanted to be killed coz they were weird like that but instead they figured they could just kill some random dude they thought was hot. at the end of the book the policeman explains to mary that robert and caroline probably get just as much pleasure out of being caught and punished as the actual killing so that's why they let themselves be caught.


Someone on another posting mentions that in the book Robert supposedly likes men, that's why he's taking the pictures & he kisses Colin before killing him. Take a look at that bar he owns as well, if that's not a gay bar, I don't know what is. 2 women in the whole place. The rest of the patrons are good looking men who are constantly pruning themselves. Gay bar. The problem with the film is they didn't go all the way with the homosexual overtone as the book did. Cold feet ruined the film.

IMDB Film Ratings: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=22271274


"Someone on another posting mentions that in the book Robert supposedly likes men, that's why he's taking the pictures & he kisses Colin before killing him. Take a look at that bar he owns as well, if that's not a gay bar, I don't know what is. 2 women in the whole place. The rest of the patrons are good looking men who are constantly pruning themselves. Gay bar. The problem with the film is they didn't go all the way with the homosexual overtone as the book did. Cold feet ruined the film."

I disagree. The vague hints and clues to the repressed homosexuality theme that you only pick up by being a keen observer make the movie a more fascinating piece of film worthy of multiple viewings. Schrader didn't wanna present it on a silver platter to you. He wanted to present you with all the ingredients and force you to make the food yourself and a meal is always better when you make it yourself. :)


The vague hints and clues to the repressed homosexuality theme that you only pick up by being a keen observer make the movie a more fascinating piece of film worthy of multiple viewings.

In general, I agree. But I don't think "I told him you were my lover" (Robert to Colin, speaking of another man they met on the street) is a particularly subtle hint. :)


some people deserve to die. colin happened to be one of them, he was a complete and utter vain stupid cowardly douche bag, and Robert was proud to be the one to do it. Anyway, I think they only get like 2 months for murder in italy, so it wasn't really a big deal.

