French II class

We have watched this movie and it's companion, My Father's Glory in my French II class and I love it, I wonder if anyone else has watched it in their class...

~*~*~*~*~Blue Cadet-Do You Connect?~*~*~*~*~


Yeah, my class watched this in French II class too. You don't have Mrs. Dobson do you? Because that would be quite a coincidence if we know each other. :)


It would be quite a coincidence, but no, I don't have Mrs. Dobson. I have Mrs. Miles.


^ I'm sorry about that. The screenname is supposed to be mine, Blue_Cadet, but my computer was signed on as someone else.


i'm studying it in french, and i have mrs dobson


I just finished watching it in French class (for French V, but all of the classes are watching it). It was quite interesting. . .

I was gonna get a flat bottom but the girl at the boat house didn't have one.


I've seen it about four times in my french class. (I don't know what level, since I only know the swedish system.) We've only seen it with subtitles, though. I LOOOVE it. I think it's so sweet and I just become happy everytime I see it.. :)


Coincidentially, I'm watching it in my French class too! We just finished watching La Gloire de mon Pére and we've just started this one today. Cool!



I watched the first movie in Grade 8.


I actually never took French.....i watched it in Motion Picture class in 1997, and I adored it.


Me neither. I took Spanish. Now considering that I like French films about 100 times more than Spanish films, I'm sorry I didn't take French in high school.

ROTA Quintessential Foreign Language Films List:
