Maria's quote?

Can someone help me with the quote that Maria places on the wall when her son goes off to college? It has something to do with "our (glory??) lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Is that close? Does anyone know? Does anyone know who said it? I thought my daughter might like it.

~Pedro offers you his protection~



It was this:

"Our greatest glory consists of not in never falling but in rising every time we fall" - this was the way it was published in "Blind Faith".

A look on the net yielded this quote:
‘Our greatest glory consists not in never failing but in rising every time we fall.’

So swap out falling for failing and I think you have your quote. It was Oliver Goldsmith.

Hope this helps. Happy Holidays :-)


Hey thanks, jrzychris-1! I appreciate that and will share it with my daughter. Happy Holidays to you too!

~Pedro offers you his protection~


Can someone send me the quote that Maira places on the wall when her son goes to Lehigh. something about falling and rising every time we fall. does anyone know or remember. Please let me know. Thank you


Hello! Thanks to the poster above, I did a Google search for Oliver Goldsmith and found this:
Our greatest glory consists not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.

Oliver Goldsmith
However, I could have sworn that in the movie, Maria's sign says "falling" instead of "failing" in the first part there.

~Pedro offers you his protection~

